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Which state makes the best bourbon – Kentucky or Tennessee?

Heaven's Door Spirits

The great American tradition of bourbon is often regarded as originating from Kentucky, though it is made in other states across the country as well. Tennessee in particular has a reputation as a bourbon power house, with its grain production and limestone water. Now, the Heaven’s Door spirit brand is stirring up a fun debate over which state produces the best bourbon, by creating a pair of bourbons — one from each state.

“We wanted to fan the flames of this old debate between Kentucky and Tennessee bourbon and showcase our outstanding expressions of both styles,” said Alex Moore, Master Blender and COO of Heaven’s Door Spirits. “We’re excited to hear what consumers think and how they experience these two classic bourbons.”

The Kentucky bourbon from Heaven’s Door is named Ascension, and is a blend of two Kentucky straight bourbons which has been aged for five years. While the Tennessee bourbon is named Revival, and is aged for five years and is a drier taste option — and is made using a slightly different technique. It does not use the charcoal filtering step called the Lincoln County Process, as skipping this allows the natural flavors of the grains to come through more strongly.

The flavors of the grains are one of the main differences between the bourbons from the two states, along with differences in water and yeast. In addition, the bourbons can be distilled at different proofs, and use different type of oak for the barrels in which the bourbon is aged.

The pair of both bourbons are available to purchase online for $100 for both.

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Georgina Torbet
Georgina Torbet is a cocktail enthusiast based in Berlin, with an ever-growing gin collection and a love for trying out new…
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