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What is chuck steak? How to cook this tougher cut of meat

A good marinade is usually all you need

Chuck steak
Antonello / Adobe Stock

We all love an expensive, beautifully marbled, exceptionally tender, and incredibly juicy steak. Whether it’s grilled, pan fried, broiled, or reverse seared, there’s just something magically indulgent about a truly great piece of beef. But if you, like us, have found yourself fully submerged in this delicious habit, you may have noticed that it can take a toll on your wallet. Steaks like ribeyes and porterhouses don’t come cheap, and making these beauties on a regular basis is an expensive habit. Thankfully, though, steak doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg for it to be spectacular. Chuck steaks are an incredibly delicious, affordable alternative to pricy steaks.

Different kinds of chuck steak

Steak and salad on cutting board
Food Photographer / Unsplash

The butcher counter can be an incredibly confusing place, if for no other reason but the wide variety of names assigned to different cuts of beef alone. While you have most certainly heard the term chuck steak, there are actually several varieties of chuck steak, each one with its own flavors, textures, and characteristics. Depending on the location of the cow from where the chuck steak was cut, it may be labeled as one of the following steaks. These are the best cooking methods for each cut.

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What is chuck steak good for?

While chuck steak does require a bit more work and preparation than its more expensive, more marbled counterparts, chuck steak is absolutely delicious in a number of preparations.

What’s the best way to cook chuck steak?

How to cook chuck steak depends on the type of chuck steak you’re in the mood for, as there are a number of cooking methods you can use for these steaks.

Shoulder top blade

This steak is more commonly known as a flat iron steak and tastes like a far more expensive cut than it actually is. Ideal for grilling, the shoulder top blade’s signature marbling makes this cut deliciously tender, moist, and tremendously flavorful.

Shoulder center

Also known as a ranch steak in some parts of the country, this cut is leaner and thinner than other chuck cuts and should be marinated before grilling or cooking on the stove for maximum tenderness and flavor. This cut is also beautiful when roasted or braised.

Shoulder petite tender

This flavorful cut is sometimes referred to as a mock tender steak. It comes from the point of the chuck next to the top blade and is very flavorful. When grilling or cooking on the stovetop, though, this cut should always be marinated to get the most tender bite.

Chuck steak

While cut from the same area as the chuck eye steak (more on this in a moment), the chuck steak doesn’t share the same tenderness as the chuck eye. Still very flavorful and delicious, this cut is quite tough and is best prepared in a braise or roast.

Shoulder steak

This steak does best when cooked quickly over high heat, the same way you would prepare flank or skirt steak. Be sure to marinate it first because it can be tough, but if marinated and cooked to medium-rare, it’s absolutely delicious.

Chuck eye steak

This steak is sometimes known as the “poor man’s ribeye” as they have quite a few similarities. This cut does beautifully when grilled, broiled, or prepared in a cast iron pan.

Is chuck steak the same as ribeye?

While the chuck eye steak and the ribeye come from two very different parts of the cow, they certainly have their similarities. Ribeye comes from the rib section of the cow and is the pricier of the two for its gorgeous marbling and tender texture. It can be argued, though, that chuck eyes (that come from the shoulder) are the more flavorful of the two steaks. They can also closely resemble ribeyes in appearance, albeit with less marbling.

What’s the difference between chuck steak and chuck roast?

Chuck roast
JJAVA / Adobe Stock

Chuck roasts and chuck steaks come from the same place on the cow — the shoulder — but differ according to how they’re butchered. Chuck roast, an oblong, cylindrical-shaped cut that includes part of the blade bone, is generally quite a bit tougher due to its mass. Chuck steak is cut thinner and cut into slices.

Why is chuck steak so cheap?

Rare steak on a plate
Sven Brandsma / Unsplash

There are a few contributing factors that go into the affordability of chuck. First, it comes from the most abundant place on the cow, the shoulder and upper arm, which make up close to 30% of the carcass. Because chuck is so common, it can be priced more affordably. Another factor that makes chuck cheap is that it is a leaner and tougher cut, which makes it a less desirable cut than more tender, fattier steaks.

It’s important to keep in mind, though, that with a delicious marinade and thoughtful cooking, chuck steaks can be every bit as delicious as the most expensive cut of beef you can find. You’ll just have to work a little harder at it.

Where to buy chuck steak and how to store it

Because chuck steaks and roasts are so abundant, they are easy to find at all grocery stores and butchers. As always, we recommend going directly to the butcher (or butcher counter of your grocer) to purchase your steaks or roasts instead of buying the shrink-wrapped refrigerator section cuts. This way, you’re sure to get the freshest pieces available, and you can ask a knowledgeable professional any questions you may have about a particular cut, the best way to prepare it, and any other little tidbits they’re willing to share.

You can safely store raw chuck steaks and roasts in the freezer for up to a year, but for the best quality, we recommend enjoying them within four months of freezing.

Lindsay Parrill
Lindsay is a graduate of California Culinary Academy, Le Cordon Bleu, San Francisco, from where she holds a degree in…
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