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Is espresso stronger than coffee? The answer is a little tricky

It depends how you look at it

espresso cup
Adi Goldstein / Unsplash

Most java junkies and even non-coffee drinkers generally know that espresso has a reputation for being bold and strong. But does this mean espresso is stronger than coffee in terms of taste, or in terms of caffeine content? The answer to the question of “is espresso stronger than coffee?” is not necessarily a cut-and-dry answer, as there are many factors to consider when comparing espresso vs. traditional coffee. The answer is a little tricky, but once you get it, you get it. Let’s explore the question, “is espresso stronger than coffee?” piece by piece.

Is espresso stronger than coffee?

espresso shot
Olha Ruskykh / Pexels

To answer this question simply, espresso is stronger than coffee in terms of caffeine content per ounce. This means that the average serving of espresso (one 1-oz shot) contains about 63 milligrams of caffeine, whereas the average cup of coffee (around 8 ounces) contains about 95 milligrams of caffeine. So yes, espresso is stronger when you compare the caffeine content per ounce. While this seems fairly straightforward, it’s also important to consider the average serving size to determine how much caffeine you realistically consume.

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Considering serving size

Let’s say you’re heading to Starbucks to order a Grande coffee, which contains 16 ounces of freshly brewed drip coffee. You might consider this a “medium-sized” cup of coffee, yet you’re ultimately consuming two of the “average” 8-ounce servings. With this in mind, you’re now consuming nearly 200 mg of caffeine in just one cup of coffee, which is far more than the caffeine content of a single shot of espresso.

Yet, things get tricky, too, when you consider the modern-day options at nearly every coffee shop. Blended espresso drinks often contain two or sometimes even three shots of espresso — something important to consider in your caffeine calculations. So if you’re choosing an espresso drink that contains three shots of espresso (average 189 milligrams of caffeine), you’re packing in far more mg of caffeine than a standard 8-ounce cup of coffee, which contains about 95 milligrams.

Know what you’re drinking

All in all, the caffeine content of espresso and coffee can vary quite a bit depending on the strength of the beans, the brewing method, where you order it, and the type of roast used. The espresso shot you brew at home on your Nespresso might contain a different amount of caffeine than what you’d order at a local coffee shop. However, espresso will always contain more caffeine per ounce than drip coffee, but that doesn’t mean a coffee won’t contain more caffeine than a shot of espresso.

The best way to know exactly how much caffeine you’re consuming is to check with the coffee shop you order from. National coffee chains, such as Dunkin’ or Starbucks, post caffeine content on their menus to help guide you. For those concerned with consuming too much caffeine, decaf espresso shots (yes, that’s a thing), half-caff coffee, or decaffeinated coffee are options that will allow you to enjoy the flavor you want without the caffeine-associated side effects.

Strength in terms of taste

Cup of coffee
xyzcharlize / Unsplash

The question of “is espresso stronger than coffee?” could refer to a comparison of the caffeine content in both drinks, but strength can also be measured in terms of taste. Espresso does contain a much stronger and more intense flavor than regular coffee. The stronger taste of espresso is due to the pressurized brewing method, which uses a lower water-to-coffee grounds ratio, resulting in a more concentrated final product. Espresso is also thicker than regular coffee and uses more finely ground coffee than what is used to brew regular coffee

When comparing the flavor of espresso and coffee, espresso contains a more full-bodied and rich flavor than coffee. The concentrated nature of espresso makes it perfect for mixing with steamed milk, such as in a cappuccino, or even mixing with water, such as in an Americano coffee. You can think of espresso as a concentrated dose of coffee, as ultimately it’s just a variation of coffee itself (not an entirely new thing).

The understanding of what espresso is vs. coffee is a common misunderstanding, even by the most avid of drinkers. Espresso is a type of concentrated coffee that is brewed differently using a high-pressure method with less water. Overall, there’s a time and a place for every coffee drink, depending on what you’re in the mood for and how much of a caffeine boost you need. If you want a quick energy shot and don’t have time to sip on a cup of coffee, a shot of espresso is the perfect option for you. On the other hand, a cup of coffee has more volume to drink, which gives you more time to enjoy and savor each sip.

Emily Caldwell
Emily is an experienced writing contributor in the food, drinks, health, fitness, and travel niches. She holds a B.S. in…
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