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Fight Thirst with these Powerful Superhero Beers

With recent release of Justice League, and the preceding hits of Thor: Ragnarok and Guardians of Galaxy Vol. 2, the flood of superhero movies has shown no sign of slowing. From their humble origins in 10-cent comic books to their new multi-million dollar cinematic adventures, these costumed crusaders have made a huge impact on our popular culture. The iconic themes of capes and masks have spilled over into the world of craft beer as well. So whether you’re a fan of the Avengers or the Dark Knight, there’s a superhero beer out there to quench your super-sized thirst.

Buzz Man and Propeller-Head by Unsung Brewing Co.

unsung brewing company
Unsung Brewing Company/Instagram Unsung Brewing Company/Instagram

Unsung is an Orange County, California brewery that has baked its love for superheroes right into its identity. All of its beers feature “backstories,” and these the branding elements evoke the Golden Age of comics while also honoring real-life heroes through philanthropic efforts. With beer names like Buzz Man and Propeller-Head, you know they are true fans. Unsung’s founder, Mike Crea, is a self-professed Spider-man guy, in case you were wondering.

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Pow! Triple IPA by Highland Brewing Company

Pow Triple IPA Highland Brewing Company
Highland Brewing Company/Facebook Highland Brewing Company/Facebook

Pow! from Highland in Asheville, North Carolina, is a rollicking adventure for hop lovers. Coming in at a huge 10.5 percent ABV and 90 international bitterness units (IBU), this hulking Triple IPA has a sweet, sticky bite that is accompanied by a dry, floral sidekick. The label art is all about the sound effect bubble with a retro-inspired Benday dot feel.

Brooklyn Defender IPA by The Brooklyn Brewery

Brooklyn Defender IPA Brooklyn Brewery
The Brooklyn Brewery/Facebook The Brooklyn Brewery/Facebook

The official beer of New York Comic Con, Defender is “heroically hopped” and features the combined superpowers of Amarillo, Simcoe, Cascade, and Centennial hops. The domino-masked vigilante on the label is reminiscent of the classic crime-fighter, The Spirit.

Intergalactic Warrior IPA by Toppling Goliath

Intergalactic Warrior IPA Toppling Goliath
Image used with permission by copyright holder

When you max out a beer on Galactic and Warrior hops, calling it Intergalactic Warrior makes perfect sense. However, creating your own G-Force style character for the label art is taking it to the next level. Nice work, Toppling Goliath (you can find this brewery in Iowa).

Supa Hero IPA by Clown Shoes

Supa Hero IPA Clown Shoes
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Massachusetts-based Clown Shoes is the home of irreverently illustrated beer labels that often feature luchadores, unicorn-dragon hybrids, and, of course, superheroes. While the retired Supa Hero IPA is hard to come by, there are several other Clown Shoes beers for comics, sci-fi, and fantasy fans to try, including Galactica, Space Cake, and Aurora Orangealis.

Feature image courtesy of The Brooklyn Brewery/Facebook.

Lee Heidel
Lee Heidel is the managing editor of Brew/Drink/Run, a website and podcast that promotes brewing your own beer, consuming the…
The 17 Best Coffee-Infused Beers To Flip All the Switches
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Sometimes a downer is made all the better with an upper. We're not talking about the heart-racing, stay-up-all-night kinda way a round of Red Bull Vodka’s or Four Loko's might inspire. More like a pleasant coffee-infused beer. The two realms play really well together. Coffee, with its nutty, earthy, citrusy, roasted elements, and an excellent craft beer with its infinite alignments of grain and hops. Because the flavor spectrums are so broad for each element, though, matching the two requires a bit of skill.

In the old days of craft, it was hard to find much beyond a porter or stout being given the roasted bean treatment. Today, coffee is playing award-winning cameos in IPAs and golden ales and showing up in other styles in the forms of cold brew, espresso, and more. Brewers and roasters from all over the country are teaming up to show how their very specific recipes and coffee bean types can combine to create something else entirely. Here are a few worthy of some space in your fridge.

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The 5 Best Patriotic Beers for Celebrating the Fourth of July
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The Fourth of July is that time of the year when we can enjoy a hearty picnic with our compatriots as fireworks adorn the sky. We may not have large gatherings this year, but there’s one thing that will unite the American people: Craft beer. Instead of purchasing beers from companies with American-themed branding, you might as well grab these patriotic craft beers that celebrate the heritage of the United States.
Anchor Brewing Company Liberty Ale
Photo Credit: Ramiro Silva (Flickr) Image used with permission by copyright holder

Perhaps the perfect beer to drink on the 4th of July is Anchor Brewing’s Liberty Ale. It was originally brewed for the bicentennial of Paul Revere’s ride way back in 1875. (You know, that whole "the British are coming” jaunt.) Having been introduced in 1975, Liberty Ale has the distinction of being the first modern IPA and perhaps the true spark of the craft beer boom -- so many other beers wouldn’t be here today without it. Honor the American revolution with a revolutionary beer.

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The 11 Best Cucumber Beers for a Refreshing All-Season Drink
cucumber beers best beer 2021

It’s a little surprising that cucumbers and beer don’t have a deeper history. The refreshing gourd, with its signature green and slightly bitter flavor, plays quite nicely with lighter beer styles.
And it's not just beer. Cucumbers are a great addition to cucumber cocktails, seltzers, mocktails, and more. But as a beer, whether it be a tangy sour or refreshing Berliner Weisse, the cucumber becomes king. With beer, cucumber can impart some coolness to counteract the sizzle of the hops and effervescence, or garden-fresh grassy notes to play off of the acid of a sour beer. In other cases, it can offer a melon rind note that reminds us of hammocks and backyard hangouts. 
Even if cucumber is not your thing, though, there's a decent chance you'll like how it operates in the company of hops, malt, and grain. The mashup activates something a little extra in cucumber, a food that's never really been a celebrity but perhaps should be. Long placed under lock and key in the pickle box, the cucumber deserves much more. It's time for its breakout party and these eleven cucumber beers celebrate just that. 

Angry Chair Cucumber Lime Gose

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