Sporting a short hairstyle is the best way to update your look and beat the gradual warming of temperatures. But even though it looks cleaner and requires less maintenance than mid-length and long hairstyles, having short hair does not mean you are immune to bed head or other hair problems.
Several factors may influence your chosen cut, such as your face shape, your genes, and the density of your follicles. But don’t let these factors stop you from getting your dream hairdo. If you’re excited to make this spring the trendiest season of your lifetime, we’ve compiled the most popular short hairstyles you can consider and present to your barber.
Bro, just Bic it. It seems simple enough just to grab your best razor and get to work, but there is certainly some prep work that goes into the shaved and bald head look. And on top of the prep to get that shiny dome, there is definitely a confidence level necessary to pull it off. You don’t just “live a quarter mile at a time” like one of the most iconic Bic-ers, Vin Diesel. It also takes commitment because you just can’t shave it Monday and expect your head to be smooth and glistening a week later. You need to factor a shave into your routine, every other day or so, and you should probably expect a few nicks and cuts along the way — at least until you’ve mastered the craft.
With the buzz cut, prepare to be the puppy dog of society with all your lady friends running up to you wanting to run their hands all over your head. The buzz cut is all around a great and functional look. It cuts down on shower and prep time, requires absolutely no maintenance beyond a good shampoo every now and again, and as mentioned, it just feels good. The buzz varies in length from 1 to 6 and though clippers do come in a number 7 and 8, that is really pushing the boundaries of a true buzz cut. Each number differs by an eighth of an inch and the length is consistent around your entire cranium. Certainly can’t guarantee you’re going to look as badass as Mr. Buzz Cut Jason Statham, but it’s a look everyone should try at some point — even just for the feeling of rubbing your head till it grows back out.
Side Part
There is no way you escaped an elementary school yearbook photo without a side part haircut and that by no means is meant to deter your reinvention of the cut. Your grandpa surely rocked it and the side part was likely around for generations before him. It’s clean and classic and rises the perceived level of education and sophistication. Being parted to the left or right is predetermined and don’t try to go against nature’s intent, because it won’t work. The side part is all about defining the great divide of direction to which your hair falls. Celebrities and college professors alike have sported the side part and whether you need a little product or natural grease to keep it in place, the side part is a convenient upscaled classic.
French Crop
Anything French comes with a bit of a stigma and the French crop is no exception. The cut is a low-maintenance look for those who still want the dapper appeal of the Peaky Blinders. The French crop does not have one distinct look, allowing those sporting the hairstyle to define their own crop. It can be paired with an undercut or fade, and usually an inch or two left on top is necessary to dial in the look. And what makes this stylish understated cut even better is that, as it grows out, it holds its first-day appearance. It’s a great cut to have when life’s adventures are sporadic and you find yourself on the pickleball court in the morning and quickly running off to a blind date in the afternoon. It looks great all-natural and even better with a little hair-styling product for texture. It may be French, but its simplicity is for just about everyone.
High and Tight
One could call it short and sweet, but the high and tight hairstyle is a dapper look for those who want all the style with little effort. The high and tight is as the name implies, high and close to the skin along the sides and back of the head with a small and tight tussle of hair left on top. The look can be fashioned with variations of a fade, bare skin, or with a buzz. It’s a roll out of bed, brush the teeth, button the shirt, and head to the office type of cut. Certainly, the length left on top is up to you, but the tighter you keep it, the less maintenance is required.
Classic Taper
Aside from an impressively receding hairline, the classic taper is one of the most versatile haircuts for the short hair look. With the classic taper, you can give a side part, verge on the quiff, and it truly walks the fine line between a casual Friday afternoon 18 and the first and hopefully not last Skulls’ meeting. The taper starts from the crown of the head and works its way down the side, the length varies per presenter, and as long as the top is left at a staggering 2 inches, your classic cut is tapered. Similar to other short hair-oriented cuts, the classic taper doesn’t require much attention but when you give it a quick comb or even finger-run through, watch out world we got a true showstopper on our hands.
Scissor Cut
Trust the barber, trust the shears because the scissor cut is seriously sharp … looking. And would you guess it’s cut solely with scissors except maybe for some fine lines or cleaning up your neck with an electric trimmer? It’s short in the back, up and around the ears, and up top, it’s a clippety-clip here and a snippety-snip there. It contours to the head better than a buzz and when the wind starts blowing the hair naturally spiking on the top half is an homage to the fine arts. If your barber is a true barber, he/she will have mastered the cut and this look may be one you don’t leave in favor of an advertised $7 haircut.
Butch Cut
Similar to the buzz, this cut is all-electric. Choose a length you feel comfortable with, but a No. 4 is likely where you should set the clippers. The butch cut is a solid no-fuss look that still presents itself as looking put together. The length of the hair is the same all the way around and is great for guys whose unfortunate DNA is beginning to set in. Its popularity has been growing over the years as it’s favored by a majority of athletes looking to streamline their performance or avoid helmet hair.