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Derek Zoolander is Opening The Derek Zoolander Center for People Who Don’t Age Good

It’s been 15 years since Derek Zoolander was a top male model, face of Mugatu’s Derelicte collection, international (almost) assassin, creator of Magnum, and savior to illiterate children everywhere. And while aging is not kind to anyone, it’s especially harsh for people who make their living by being really, really, ridiculously good-looking. Such is the case for has-been supes Zoolander and once so-hot-right-now Hansel. Not content to be relegated to the unattractive margins of society, the former winners of VH1’s Male Model of the Year Award attempt to return to the industry that loved them and then completely forgot about them.

Perhaps it was a self-serving move by a lifelong narcissist, but Zoolander has shown his philanthropic stripes yet again by founding The Derek Zoolander Center for People Who Don’t Age Good (a.k.a. the insanely long acronym, DZCFPWDAG) with Kiehl’s Since 1851. At the Meatpacking District location (the corner of 14th St. and 8th Ave..), anyone equally concerned with the aging process can sign up for Zoolander’s 6.5-step “youthification” program, which is designed to slow the aging process and “help people age good.” Each visitor to the Center will be analyzed and prescribed a skincare system designed to return them to their ridiculously good-looking selves. Also, available for purchase are special limited-edition Kiehl’s x Zoolander 2 skincare sets splashed with Zoolander in all his Blue Steel glory.

Image used with permission by copyright holder

The Center will be open to the public February 9th –  11th from 4-8pm; 12th , 3-9pm, and 13th, 12-6pm.

Katie Dickens
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Katie Dickens is a Manhattan-based beauty and grooming writer. She has held staff positions at Glamour, In Style, People…
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