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You Go to the Gym for Your Body, Why Not for Your … Face?

Yes, that headline is correct. No, this does not involve using tiny weights to tighten and tone your facial muscles. And while we would love to see that some day, the closest we can get now is a jade or quartz roller we apply to our faces in upward strokes in a (probably) misguided attempt to trick gravity into thinking it doesn’t exist and thereby reduce future sagging and wrinkling. But that’s still not what we’re talking about today.

No, today, we’re all about the FaceGym, which is not a series of tiny weights, but a roll-on facial treatment intended to be used during your daily or weekly workouts.

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I know what you’re thinking, “WTF?” And yes, I felt the same when the brand randomly sent me a sample of the brand’s Activated Charcoal Training Stick. But, once I actually gave it a go, I was pleasantly surprised at the results.

FaceGym Activated Charcoal Training Stick
Image used with permission by copyright holder

This stick contains activated bamboo charcoal along with a MyoSkinfit formula that draws out congestion caused by pollution while also reducing the appearance of pores, balancing oil, and exfoliating. Two key ingredients, maltodextrin and willow bark bring salicylic acid into the mix which helps to reduce and heal current and former blemishes, along with tea tree oil to soothe and heal, and kill bacteria.

So, How Does it Work?

Before working out, apply the stick to your forehead, t-zone, or any other area that might be causing you skin trouble. Head to the gym and begin your workout. Once you get warmed up, you’ll being to feel a cool tingling sensation where you applied the FaceGym. After that gets going, you really start to feel the tingle and you’ll even notice your face flushing or turning particularly red. This is just the ingredients getting to work, seeping deep into your pores to detoxify and clean. It’s almost like getting a facial, since the end result is practically the same – glowing, healthy-looking skin.

Overall, I was impressed by how calm my skin felt afterward (even though I had been sweating) and how refreshing the cool tingle of the FaceGym was when working out. It’s almost like having a mini air conditioner blowing straight in your face. If we’re judging on a five-star rating system here, I’d give the FaceGym Activated Charcoal Training Stick a solid four.

FaceGym also offers four other options, a Multi-Vitamin Training Stick to help you recharge and rehydrate your skin; a Brazilian Pink Clay Training Stick to help brighten skin; and the Spirulina Training Stick, which contains ingredients to help lift and sculpt.

For more information on FacyGym, check out the brand’s official website.

And since we’re talking about working out, while we’ve got you, why not take a look at the ten best arm exercises to get you in sleeveless shape this summer.

Chase McPeak
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Chase McPeak is the former Lifestyle Editor. Chase regularly appeared on Beards, Booze, and Bacon: The Manual Podcast where…
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