On the Importance of Beard Maintenance…
A man’s beard needs to be properly groomed for each individual. A man may like a long untamed beard, or one may like to have it trimmed short. In any case a beard needs tender loving care to look and feel its best. Properly cleaned and conditioned, a beard looks its greatest. Add to that moisturize and style and you have all you need.
On His First Beard…
I grew my first beard at 18 years of age. It was a rite of passage for me. How did you learn how to take care of it? Like most first time growers, I really never did. I used either soap of shampoo to clean it but never knew about conditioning and moisturizing. This resulted in very dry and flaking skin; itching and a full shave to solve the problem. It wasn’t until after beginning our market research into beards when I realized that most men do not know how to take care of their facial hair.
On Facial Hair Disasters…
There were two disasters that really stand out. The first was at the age of 28 going to a black tie dinner and having the dry flaking of my beard cover the tuxedo like fresh fallen snow…very embarrassing…the second was when shaping the outline, I went too far on the mustache and ended up having the shave the whole beard off as it could not be saved.
It begins with how you wash your beard. Many men use soap, body wash or regular shampoo to wash their beards. Some even use dandruff
On Growing Out a Beard…
The first 30 days are the most difficult. The skin itches; gets irritated hurts, feels funny and many other “problems”. If you start and use Beard
Guyz Beard Balm every day from the beginning, our unique moisturizing and conditioning properties will eliminate almost all of these complaints and make your grow out, a real growth opportunity.