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How to fade a beard the right way

Keep your beard nice on the sides

Man with a buzzcut and a beard
behrouz sasani / Pexels

Having a beard is one of the biggest honors of a man’s life. The beard is essential to some men’s entire identity and definitely to their look. Whether it is a guy who likes to keep it nice short, with some magazine-level stubble, or a guy who likes to look like a Delta Force operator with a flannel shirt and a bushy mane, they love their beards.

Maintaining a beard is a skill that many of the seasoned veterans of facial hair may have down, but if you’re just starting out on your Viking face journey, then some of it can be overwhelming. That is why learning how to fade a beard is essential. The skill will help you keep everything nice and tight on the side of your face, regardless of the length. This elongates the look of your face and makes you look trim. Always a good thing. So if you want to learn how to get the fresh barber look at home, here is what you need to know.

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How can I fade my beard easily?

Viking beard
befree / Adobe Stock

Fading your beard easily all comes down to the tools that you have at your disposal. While going to a barber ensures you have a professional taking care of you, there’s also great value in doing it yourself, which means you need to have the best tools for the job. For us, that means investing in a top-of-the-line trimmer with guards of different lengths to make trimming easier than ever. You’ll also want a good comb (depending on the length of your beard), so you can keep the beard from bunching up and missing strands here and there. Here are a few of our favorite trimmers to get you started.

PT45 Beard and Hair Trimmer from The Beard Club

The Beard Club PT45 trimmer
The Beard Club

There aren’t a lot of people who know beards the way these guys do. So when you are looking for the right trimmer to fade your mane, this is the one to go with 9 times out of 10. This comes with eight different lengths to allow you to fade it from skin to Viking in no time. Added bonus: If you want to buy the kits, you can get a lot of great stuff to maintain the beard, too.

Pros Cons
  • A battery life that will last for weeks at a time
No scissors included, so you need to buy them for precise length between guard lengths

You need to buy a regular razor and cream for up-close border shaves to shape the edges

Wahl Pro Series Skeleton

Wahl Pro Series

Professionals have trusted Wahl for years and for a long time, and there’s a reason for that. It knows what it’s doing and now you can take the pro-level tool home to give your beard a fade in your own mirror. This trimmer also features a 360 blade so you can get an unimpeded look at the area you’re fading. Another top choice.

Pros Cons
Incredibly close trimming, so it works well for shaping edges

Sleek and attractive design makes it easy to use and easy to travel

Doesn’t work when it is charging so make sure it’s always charged when needed

How do I taper down my beard?

Man grooming and trimming his facial hair with a beard trimmer / Adobe Stock

Ok, now let’s get down to how you actually do this job in the mirror. First thing to keep in mind, if you have never done this before, give yourself a little bit of grace. Hair grows back, so don’t overthink it and don’t get too upset if you make a mistake. That happens, but unlike some mistakes, the effects aren’t permanent. So, have fun with it, and understand you’re just going to get better. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • You earlobe is your starting point. Whether you are working down toward your chin or up toward you temple, the earlobe is your origin point.
  • The length of your beard will determine which guard you start with so there’s going to be a little bit of exploration to find the right guard to start with.
  • Listen! When you are working the trimmer up or down, you will be listening for the cuts. If you don’t hear anything, the guard is too long and you need to move down one.

Now … here is how you taper the beard in a few steps.

  1. Measure from the top of your ear to the place you want the beard to be full length, or the end of the fade. Divide that by the number of guards you will be using. So, for instance, if you are going from the five guard down to the two guard, you will divide that area by four and that is how you spread the distance between the guard usage so you have a nice, consistent fade.
  2. Start with the longest appropriate guard (if you don’t know which that is, start with the eight, or longest, and move downward until you can hear it cutting). Beginning at the earlobe, put the guard flush against your skin and move downward, along the side of your face to the end of the beard.
  3. Move to the next longest and repeat the process, stopping short at the predetermined distance found in step 1.
  4. Continue this process until you reach the earlobe, then you will flip the guards over and go the other direction, against the growth direction and up to the top of the ear.

How long does your beard need to be to fade it?

A man looking at himself in bathroom mirror.
Kathrin Ziegler / Getty Images

The length of your beard isn’t crucial to fading your beard, but beginning with an even canvas is imperative to getting you started. You could be a man with a long, flowing Viking beard, and that will make it easier to trim it up into a nice fade because you have a lot to work with. That also creates two possible issues. The first is that the more hair you have the more intimidating it can be. There is a lot to work with so cutting some off can feel a little overwhelming the first time. The second problem is that you have likely grown quite fond of the beard, and that makes every mistake that much more emotionally taxing.

Fading your beard can be a nerve-wracking experience the first time you try it at home, but the truth is that it is incredibly freeing to be able to look your best without making a trip to the barber. Last minute job interview? Forgot about a wedding or a party your partner told you about several times, but you blocked it out? No worries, just follow these steps and you will look amazing in no time.

Mark McKee
Mark is a full-time freelance writer and men's coach. He spent time as a style consultant and bespoke suit salesman before…
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