How them mustaches growing guys? We are nearly half way through Movember and each year the ‘MoBro’ community continues to thrive. In order to keep you excited about the event we have partnered with our friends over at O&N Collective to offer you gents some incentives.
As the founder Michelle Witherby tells us, “As an online grooming apothecary we love doing something special for the guys this month in honor of Movember. While you’re growing out those mustaches, we want to soften the somewhat scratchy process!”
Organic Male is one of our favorite grooming lines because of its simplicity: Four products (in normal, oily and dry categories), four steps, four minutes. They are also cruelty free, fair trade, eco-friendly and made right here in the USA. What is not to like?
Launched in 2009 in Baker City, Oregon, Greenbody is an amazing line of natural deodorants developed to reduce unnecessary exposure to synthetic materials. Infused with stress-reducing essential oils it is safe for all skin types and works hella well.
Here is the deal:
O&N is offering The Manual community 15% off their order of Organic Male and Greenbody Deodorant products using code: TMG15. Also 5% of your purchase will be donated to the November cause and O& N will be matching the donation.
Start shopping for the cause!