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Shake off the winter blues with a spring grooming intervention

When spring has sprung, it's high time to clean up your men's grooming routine

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No matter if you’re on the East or West Coast, live in the South, the Midwest, or anywhere in between, winter can definitely start to take its toll on everyone — especially when you get hit with April snow showers.

For those of us who dealt with seemingly endless amounts of snow and cold, we may still be feeling a little depressed from a lack of natural Vitamin D (aka Mr. Sunlight himself) or, for that matter, enough fresh air — that it’s so brisk it literally takes your breath away. Artificially heated environments can dry us out literally and generally make us feel uncomfortable after enduring this for quite some time. You’ve probably felt this way too.

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But, good news! Spring is here. The days are getting longer. Temperatures will soon be warming up. Nature is reborn in the springtime as beautiful landscapes begin to vividly come back to life.

Now that the great outdoors, and you as well, is coming back to life, it’s time to shake off those winter blues with a few things that will go a long way toward brightening your look and your life when spring finally decides to arrive (don’t hold your breath, Midwest).

Man washing his face in the bathroom.

Spring grooming tips

Though there is a myriad of things you can do to get yourself warm-weather-ready, here are some tips that you can utilize this spring to help your men’s grooming routine.

Freshen up your locks

Winter is the perfect time to let the coif on top of your head just let a little loose. Frigid temperatures make wanting to get a haircut all but non-existent, let alone trying to convince yourself to hop in your vehicle and drive in the snow. Growing it out means more hair and a warmer head.

Now, however, is the time to take back control and do something with the unkempt version of yourself.

Before you get too far ahead of yourself, do a little research. Look online for your favorite male celebrities or influencers and get an idea of what the perfect cut and style look like to you. Then, visit your trusted hairstylist or local barbershop and have a chat with them and show them what you are looking for.

If he or she is a good stylist, they will give you honest feedback as to whether or not you could pull it off or should opt for something less extravagant. At the end of the day, it is your hair, and sometimes it’s best to try something new and exciting. After all … it will always grow back.

To gray away or not?

Some guys just have all the luck and almost seem to age in reverse, Benjamin Button-style. But even the most handsome of men begin to show a little aging after rotating around the sun a time or two — even the likes of George Clooney or Patrick Dempsey. As you could probably tell, we’re talking about the blokes who start to show a little gray. The question is whether you should embrace the look or not.

Ultimately this will be a matter of personal preference and whether or not you can rock the silver fox look or some salt and pepper in your luscious locks — which is looking spot on because you already decided to take our advice in tip one, right?

If, however, this just is not your cup of tea and feel that you are not quite ready for the graying effect, fear not. Today, getting rid of those pesky grays is as easy as one…two…three. There are numerous products available online or in-store for a natural look. If worst comes to worst, do it on the weekend so that way you have a full two days worth of fading if you feel it is not right for you.

Bald and beautiful?

Okay, so maybe you weren’t blessed with the hairlines of Brad Pitt or Timothee Chalamet, for the younger generation of readers. You have thinned up top and are not sure what to do with it. One of the best to decide to own it and just go with the flow happens to be none other than Jude Law. It also just so happens to work for him because the rest of his facial features resemble that of a Roman god. More than likely, that may not be your case. So, what should you do?

Shave it all off and decide to rock the bald and beautiful trend. From one of the best in recent years to do it, Mr. Bruce Willis, to Jason Statham and Dwayne Johnson, sometimes bald is best. Then again, maybe it’s time you also attempt to grow out your facial scruff and join these leading men with the bald and beard crowd, too.

Show your skin some love

So, you’ve got your top all squared away, now let’s move on to the rest of your precious face. There are numerous different skincare routines that you can attempt to adhere to, telling you to use this product or that, you need to perform seven different steps for teenage-looking skin, blah, blah, blah. Guys, just keep things simple and stop overcomplicating things. Here are four products you should use on the regular if you want to reverse the aging process.

man brushing teeth bathroom

Brighten that smile

Now that we’ve got the hairstyle down and your face picture-perfect ready, it’s time to attack your oral hygiene. A great smile is the first thing people remember about you. While you could go to the trouble of setting up an appointment and visiting your local dentist and have them bleach your teeth professionally, which will have your wallet taking a hit, too, there are other things you can do right from the comfort of your own home.

Again, just as we talked about with your facial care routine, your oral care routine should be of importance, but one that is uncomplicated. Sometimes simple is best. Here are the products every man should be using on a consistent basis to have those pearly whites as clean and as healthy as can be.

Get your beard red carpet ready

Alright, you opted in and decided to take our advice on the whole bald and beautiful and are growing out your beard — or hey, maybe you have immaculate hair and wanted to pair it with a well-groomed beard like the International actor Can Yaman (if you haven’t heard of him, look him up for everything grooming, fashion, and fitness related).

Growing out your beard isn’t enough when you truly want to take your personal style to the next level. Some guys are blessed and can pull off the ruggedly mangy beard look, but the majority of us are not Jason Momoa. For the rest of us, that involves using the proper tools, products, and tips to make the best of your facial growth. By utilizing all three, you can make sure you are putting your best face, and beard, forward, all the time.

Do some internal, nutritional spring cleaning

Winter’s nights and weekends may — besides encouraging us to stay in where it’s warm for nights of binge-watching — be tough on our diet. And the reality of it is that what we put on the inside of our bodies — aka nutrition — affects just as much of what we put on the outside of our bodies, if not more. Put in the good stuff (nutrition) and get out the good stuff (looking and feeling younger).

There are tons of different diets, cleanses, supplements, pills, fasts, etc., all designed to make you look and feel as young as ever. To reiterate, again, simple is best. Here is a couple to get ya started.

The simpler, the better

By now, you probably have gathered that the overarching theme of this is to teach you that simplicity is best. Even if you’re only picking one tip or product from each section, that is a better starting point than doing nothing at all. This spring intervention is the perfect way to revamp your men’s grooming routine now, so that way you’ll be beach-worthy ready whenever summertime rolls around.

Jeff Turbett
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Jeff Turbett is a health and wellness coach with over three years of experience transforming clients lives and physical…
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