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Camping hack: A clever way to pack spices for your next adventure

This camping hack will spare you the trouble of bringing your entire spice rack

Three people cooking using a camp kitchen next to Rivian R1T

Cooking during a camping trip is a lot of fun, and while you do need to be a little bit creative with what you bring, don’t think that you have to eat bland camp food! One of the best ways to add flavor to your camp meals is by bringing your own favorite spices, but bulky bottles can take up space, and you run the risk of spices spilling all over your gear. Washed-out Tic Tac boxes work pretty well, but if you’re looking for something a bit more single-use, try a plastic straw. Here’s how this camping hack works:

How to use a plastic straw to bring your spices on your next adventure

Pile of colorful plastic straws
Flyd a QkllaNdeq4 / Unsplash

The setup is pretty straightforward and only requires a few items. First, there’s your plastic straws. I recommend clear ones so you can see which spice is inside, but any will do. If you need a greater amount, try boba or smoothie straws. Next, you’ll need a pair of scissors, pliers, a lighter or a match, and all of the spices you plan on bringing with you.

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Cut your straws into two- or three-inch pieces, depending on how much spice you want for your meal. Then, pinch one end with the pliers and use the lighter to briefly melt the seam together. Then, you can use a small funnel or even a rolled-up piece of paper to siphon your spice of choice inside. Once it’s filled, use the pliers to pinch down the top and seal it with the lighter.

Even if my straws are clear, I always label each straw with a marker. Believe me, you don’t want to mix up the paprika and the cayenne in the dark. Sometimes, I even do spice mixes to make things even easier. After that, you can pack them in a ziplock or small container, and you’re ready to hit the trail.

Personally, I love this hack because of its simplicity. It’s ultralight since the straws and spices weigh next to nothing, and you’re only packing the exact measurements that you’ll need. It’s also spill-proof, so you don’t need to worry about leakage in your pack. For the best results, test your packet amounts at home first so you know how much of your spices to bring. This part will take some trial and error if you don’t measure, but it’s worth it since you won’t have to bring your entire kitchen.

Once you’re at your campground and ready to cook, all you’ll have to do is snip open one end of the straw—viola! A handful of straws can season meals for days, and if you bring a lighter with you, it’s also resealable if you don’t end up using the whole thing.

The only word of caution when using this camping hack is to be extra careful with your bits of straw. These can be incredibly hurtful to wildlife, especially if they smell the spice residue and think that it’s food. Be sure to collect every single piece of straw and pack it out properly so you leave no trace.

Sarah Joseph
With a bright sense of adventure and a heart for the mountains, Sarah is always thrilled to share nature with others through…
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