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Zipper pull camping hack: Exit your tent and disturb no one

Don't wake up your partner while camping with this tent zipper pull hack

Man at a campground stargazing
Syed.Komail / Shutterstock

Camping overnight comes with a bunch of challenges, but if you’re like me, one of the worst ones ever is needing to exit the tent before dawn to use the bathroom or grab something from the car. My husband is a pretty light sleeper, so any excessive rumple I make is going to wake him up. Worse, I’ve also had the misfortune of startling wildlife. Fortunately, I’ve found a great camping hack that solves the problem — glow sticks!

Yep! You heard me. I’ve found that creating a glow stick ring through the holes in my tent’s zipper pulls solves the issue. Not only does this make your zipper visible, but it also gives you something bigger to grab on to. With this camping hack, I am able to open my tent’s zipper slowly and quietly, minimizing risk of startling anything inside or outside.

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If your zipper pulls don’t have holes large enough to fit the glow sticks, try attaching them with zip ties or duct tape.

While glow sticks are great, they aren’t the most environmentally friendly. You can also use mini LED lights, which are battery-operated and come in many keychain-like designs. Since glow sticks only last for about six to twelve hours, this could be a better solution, especially if you’re on a long-haul backpacking trip. You can also consider replacing your zipper pulls with glow-in-the-dark versions. These will absorb light during the day and glow at night — no batteries required.

No matter your choice, these solutions are sure to enhance your camping experience.

Sarah Joseph
Sarah is a lover of all things outdoors. With a bright sense of adventure and a heart for the mountains, she is always…
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