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4 High-Tech Shark Repellents to Help You Avoid Your Own Personal ‘Jaws’ Moment

With Discovery Channel’s annual Shark Week behind us, you’re no doubt inspired or terrified of all things shark-related. If it’s a mix of both, you’re looking for a way to get closer to these apex predators in the safest way possible. Thankfully, there’s an app (and plenty of other high-tech innovations) for that. Here are four of our favorites shark repellents.

SharkBanz Modom Shark Leash
shark banz shark leash
Image used with permission by copyright holder

It’s a well-known fact that sharks rely on thousands of data points — from their visual cortex to smelling blood in the water (they can sniff out a single drop of blood in an Olympic-size swimming pool) — to hunt their prey. Their bodies are also outfitted with electrical sensors to literally “feel” when there’s something to kill nearby. The Sharkbanz Modom Shark Leash is a wearable device with integrated electromagnetic technology designed to interfere with these sensors. A commercial-grade Velcro cuff ensures it won’t try to swim away from you if you take a particularly nasty spill, and an anti-rust stainless rotating ring helps to minimize tangling. Plus, it’s compatible with any other Modom brand cord. At USD $130, it may seem steep, but can you really put a price on your legs?

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SharkBytes “Incident” Tracker App
SharkBytes App

Shark attacks are rare. Worldwide, there were only 88 total incidents in 2017. But, when they happen, they tend to occur in clusters. The SharkBytes mobile app works to track the latest incidents around the world and encourage swimmers, divers, and surfers to act accordingly. Once you know where you’re headed in the water, you can search the app for recent attacks in the area. To help users identify particular specimens, it also includes pictures and details on more than 200 shark species. The best part is that it’s free (with ads) for iOS and Android.

Shark Attack Mitigation Systems
shark mitigation suit
Image used with permission by copyright holder

In the final moments leading up to an attack, sharks rely on their vision more than any other sense. If they can’t confidently see you, they’re less likely to “complete” their strike. That’s the logic behind Shark Attack Mitigation Systems (SAMS). The brand’s patented technology uses a high-tech understanding of shark’s predatory behavior to develop decidedly low-tech, but highly effective gear to camouflage you in the water. Their striped anti-shark patterns are used to develop vinyl stickers which can be applied to surfboards, kayaks, and other small watercraft.

“Little Ripper” Anti-shark Drones
Little Ripper Lifesaver Drones Spot Sharks Electronically

By the numbers, Australia sees a tiny fraction of the already tiny number of worldwide shark incidents. But, 2015 was an especially bad year. Following a dozen high-profile shark attacks that year, New South Wales developed several $250,000 drones to prevent future incidents. Known as “Little Rippers,” the piloted drones relay real-time video to a team of shark spotters back on land. More importantly, they’re outfitted with inflatable rafts and GPS beacons that can be deployed to surfers if sharks are spotted in the water nearby. The initial six-month test program was so successful that the company behind the drones has since developed highly accurate AI-based technology to identify and track sharks in real time — no drone pilot required. The system is surprisingly adept at knowing the difference between sharks, whales, dolphins, and surfers.

Mike Richard
Mike Richard has traveled the world since 2008. He's kayaked in Antarctica, tracked endangered African wild dogs in South…
Microspikes vs. crampons: Understanding the right gear for icy trails
Ice, ice, maybe? When to use microspikes vs crampons
microspikes vs crampons inspire toud nnafqaychci unsplash

When winter hiking, one of the most essential pieces of gear will be your footwear. The right hiking boot can carry you comfortably for miles, but there are many cases where normal hiking boot lugs won't give you the traction you need. These cases become even more apparent during the wintertime when you're liable to slip on ice and dislocate your shoulder like one of my unfortunate family members — the nearest hospital was over two hours away. Microspikes and crampons can significantly reduce the risk of hospital visits while out in the winter wonderland, but how do you know which ones to pack? In this guide, we'll discuss microspikes vs crampons and how to stay safe.
Microspikes vs crampons: what's the difference?

Adventuring with microspikes
Microspikes are a flexible, rubber harness that goes over your hiking boot. The rubber is attached to several small chains that go underneath your foot, connecting multiple plates of short spikes to the bottom of your shoe. Think of it like the footwear version of tire chains. The microspikes themselves are generally a fourth of an inch to a half of an inch long, made of hardened steel. Short but sharp, these spikes are perfect for gripping packed snow and ice that might otherwise send you to the E.R.
Adventuring with crampons
Crampons are the spiked-collar version of microspikes. They have a similar rubber harness, but they will likely have additional rigid metal frames with longer spikes. The length ranging from three-fourths of an inch to even an astounding one and a half inches can look pretty intimidating once you have them strapped properly. Personally, I would resist the urge to practice karate kicks.
Choosing microspikes vs crampons
Microspikes are best for light snow, packed snow, and icy hiking trails. Ideal for winter hiking or trail running, these will serve you well on flat or moderate slopes. I love microspikes because they're lighter and less intimidating than crampons. They tend to be easier to put on and pull off, and even better, they're comfortable during long hikes.

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It happens every winter in Stowe, Vermont. In mid to late January, deep winter sets in, bringing subzero temperatures and air like invisible ice. Overnight wind chills can reach -50 degrees, and the Green Mountains are covered in an alpine freeze. With each step, there’s a crunch of ice and snow, and the surroundings are almost silent as everyone tries to survive, let alone enjoy the snow globe setting.

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From apps to local tips: How to find the best hiking trails near you
Finding the perfect hiking trail isn't as hard as you think!
Group hiking with friends

When visiting new places, I'm always on the lookout for great hiking trails. If you're outdoorsy like me, the quality of the hike matters just as much as the surrounding town and social life. The good thing is that no matter where you are, chances are there's a hiking trail nearby. Whether you're moving someplace new or just visiting for a few hours, here's how to find hiking trails near you.
There's an app for that!

There's an app for everything these days, and that's not an understatement! As more and more people flock to the outdoors, developers have created lots of hiking and camping-related apps that can help connect you to the world around you. While you could go to Google Maps and search "hiking trails near me," one of my favorite apps for finding trails is AllTrails. AllTrails isn't just good for hikers, though! You can find mountain biking, running, backpacking, horseback riding trails, and more.

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