Golf is so much more than a mental and physical sport. There’s nothing like standing on the green, the pin just far enough to make you squint, with the ball sitting there waiting for the winning swing that ends with a rattle in the cup. Everyone loves winning, which is why the Mezz.1 Max from L.A.B. Golf is creating a buzz. Some 19 PGA golfers currently use one of L.A.B. Golf’s putters. Dan Gaul, co-founder of The Manual, got his hands on L.A.B. Golf’s Mezz.1 Max and says that it’s the real deal. Here’s why the L.A.B. Mezz.1 Max should be your new green-side obsession and a go-to for your next golf trip.
What you need to know about putters
According to L.A.B. Golf, most putters out there are working against you. This is because of torque, the twisting force that creeps into your putting stroke. Sometimes, this happens when the putter head wiggles or pulls off-line, and some have weight and balance issues that fight your natural motion. When you tense up or your tempo’s off, this can cause your golf ball to veer left when you really aimed right. For a golfer, pretty much nothing else is more frustrating.
Fortunately, L.A.B. Golf actually engineered a way to fix this problem, and it’s all thanks to their new Lie Angle Balance technology. This cool feat of engineering corrects torque by going straight to the root problem: the shape and weight of your putter. By reshaping and redesigning the traditional putter, they created a line of putters that don’t torque as you swing them. The head stays square to the arc of your stroke all on its own, and they’ve refined this technology to the Mezz.1 Max.
All about the Mezz.1 Max
What sets L.A.B. apart isn’t just the tech — it’s the fit. Dan’s a big believer in getting fitted for your gear. “I was fitted for my current putter, and it made a huge difference,” he says, noting that he definitely recommends trying before buying because the feeling is so unique and different.
With the Mezz.1 Max, you’ve got plenty of options. Lengths go from 28 to 38 inches, with left or right-handed builds.
“I do like that they have opportunities for people to get fitted, including remote fitting,” Dan notes. If you’re near Eugene, Oregon, you can even roll up to their Creswell HQ for an in-person session; if you live elsewhere, you can check for the closest location.