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Embrace the Summer With These 10 Microadventures

Make the Most of Your Summer With These Micro Trips

We all want to fit more adventure into our lives. How many evenings have you spent at home, scrolling through other people’s adventures on social media, wishing you had spent less time chasing life and more time living in the moment? That youthful vagabond inside you that has to be suppressed daily could be the key to making the most out of your summer. Microadventures are short, local adventures that don’t require all the logistical undertaking of a longer trip. These adventures, coined by U.K. adventure writer Alastair Humphreys, are designed to fit into the 5-9, those 16 hours between working days.

Travel restrictions in the past couple of years have seen a rise in local area appreciation, but just because we’re allowed to travel further away from home, we shouldn’t forget the beauty that we can find right on our doorstep. This summer, you might be planning a multi-week thru-hike or a rafting trip down the Grand Canyon. These big-calendar occasions are no doubt going to be the highlight of your summer, but you can keep your passion for adventure burning on other weekends or weekdays by fitting in microadventures around your work life. Here are 10 ideas to make sure you keep getting outside this summer.

A person standing on a hill alone at sunset
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1. Climb your Local Hill

Anything on your doorstep is easy to overlook, and many people have local hills on their doorsteps that they have never walked up. Take a picnic with you in a backpack cooler and sit at the top, taking in the views down across your town. See if you can pick out your house and other locations, like your favorite bar or bookshop. If you’ve been up your local hill plenty of times before, try putting a new twist on it. Go at night or in the evening, camp at the top, and return home in the morning.

An opened bivy sack in a forest
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2. Pick a Point on a Map

It’s a ridiculous cliche from films, throwing a dart at a map and heading wherever it lands. On a less random scale, this is a great way to explore new areas. Pick a point on a map and go there with either your tent or bivvy for the night. You can use a random grid reference, get a friend to pick, close your eyes and point at the map, or use the age-old dart trick. If it’s up a hill, take hiking boots. If it’s on a beach or next to a lake, go for a walk around the lake or take your kayak. We recommend picking again if your chosen point is dangerous, impossibly hard to get to, or if you would have to invite yourself into someone else’s house.

Water running down a river in the woods.
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3. Go Wild Swimming

Take a swim in a river or a lake. Wild swimming can be a stand-alone microadventure or part of a hike or camp. This could be right by your house, or you could fill your backpack and hike into a secluded spot to go swimming. Wild swimming has exploded in popularity in the past few years and whether you swim for health reasons or just as a way to relax, it can be a perfect way to wake up and enliven your senses after a long day at work.

Silhouetted people walk under the moonlight
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4. Hike Under a Full Moon or Go Stargazing

You may have hiked the trails around your house hundreds of times, but have you ever hiked them by the light of a full moon? On a clear night, a full moon can provide more than enough light to walk under and it can make a familiar area look completely different. Take your time and slow down on the trails, enjoying the serenity of hiking under the moon. If there’s no full moon to navigate by, head out with your headlamp and find a clearing, turn your lamp off and let your eyes acclimate so you can spend an hour stargazing.

A man bikes through the woods on a single track trail

5. Take the Train Somewhere Wild and Bike Back

See a whole new local area by putting your bike on the train and taking it as far as you feel you can cycle back. By starting your journey further away from home, you don’t limit yourself to having to ride a loop and you’re pretty much guaranteed to see new things along the way. You can do this in an evening, a whole day, or even pack up a bivvy bag and turn it into a short bikepacking trip.

Man in hammock in the woods.
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6. Sleep in a Hammock

If you’re a hammocking novice, we cannot recommend them enough for camping. Sure, we love sleeping in a tent or bivvy, but there’s something magical about swinging between the trees as you fall asleep. Your hammock doesn’t have to be anything too over-engineered, either. You can use the most basic hammock for sleeping, so long as you find the right spot. If you think it might rain, take a tarp with you, or throw your bivvy bag over your sleeping bag in your hammock. That way you can still look up at the stars, but don’t have to worry about the rain.

Two steaks cooking on a grill on an open fire
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7. Cook on an Open Fire

If you’ve never cooked anything more adventurous than a s’more or a sausage on your fire, we challenge you to give it a go. There are loads of great recipes to cook on a fire, whether you hang a cooking pot to make a stew or throw a grill over some stones to grill your steak. Rather than making cooking part of a camping trip, make it the focus. Get some really nice food and cook yourself up a fine dining experience outside.

Travel planning with a computer and a map
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8. Make Your Own Journey

Pick two points and make a journey between them. These points could be completely arbitrary, or they could have meaning — it doesn’t matter. Follow the course of a river, draw a radius around your house and follow the line as closely as possible, or go off-track up a hill. Alternatively, head out the door and make it up as you go. Whatever your journey, make it different and make it adventurous. You’ll see things differently, or see new things altogether.

Sunrise over forests and mountains
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9. Catch the Sunrise

This could either be after a night out in a hammock or bivvy or just making a point of getting up for sunrise before work. This can be hard in summer, especially if the sunrise where you are is about 4 a.m., but there really is no better way to start the day. If you’re heading out camping for the night, find a place that looks both east and west. That way, you can enjoy the sunset and the sunrise equally.

Two people riding bikes next to each other
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10. Change Up Your Commute

When you’re really hard-pressed for time, sometimes you have to squeeze adventure out of wherever possible. Why not change up your commute to fit in a short dose of adventure on your way to or from work? Walk a different route, drive out a different way, or take the train past your stop and cycle back to see a new area. Whatever you do, try to make as much time count as possible and wake yourself up to the world around you.

Tom Kilpatrick
A London-born outdoor enthusiast, Tom took the first ticket out of suburban life. What followed was a twelve-year career as…
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It happens every winter in Stowe, Vermont. In mid to late January, deep winter sets in, bringing subzero temperatures and air like invisible ice. Overnight wind chills can reach -50 degrees, and the Green Mountains are covered in an alpine freeze. With each step, there’s a crunch of ice and snow, and the surroundings are almost silent as everyone tries to survive, let alone enjoy the snow globe setting.

But around 5:45 a.m. in late January, that’s just what I’m doing as I begin the drive to Stowe Mountain Resort. My car’s information display reads 9 degrees, and weather reports indicate a -21-degree wind chill on the mountain. Soon, I’ll be skinning up the Nosedive trail, a slow burn of roughly 2,000 vertical feet covering just over a mile. The wind will howl, and my quads will burn, and it’ll take focus and strain to make it up. I’ll be battling the cold, but also heat, as the climb takes me into my threshold heart rate and warmth builds inside. I’ll need gear suited for the task. 

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Microspikes vs. crampons: Understanding the right gear for icy trails
Ice, ice, maybe? When to use microspikes vs crampons
microspikes vs crampons inspire toud nnafqaychci unsplash

When winter hiking, one of the most essential pieces of gear will be your footwear. The right hiking boot can carry you comfortably for miles, but there are many cases where normal hiking boot lugs won't give you the traction you need. These cases become even more apparent during the wintertime when you're liable to slip on ice and dislocate your shoulder like one of my unfortunate family members — the nearest hospital was over two hours away. Microspikes and crampons can significantly reduce the risk of hospital visits while out in the winter wonderland, but how do you know which ones to pack? In this guide, we'll discuss microspikes vs crampons and how to stay safe.
Microspikes vs crampons: what's the difference?

Adventuring with microspikes
Microspikes are a flexible, rubber harness that goes over your hiking boot. The rubber is attached to several small chains that go underneath your foot, connecting multiple plates of short spikes to the bottom of your shoe. Think of it like the footwear version of tire chains. The microspikes themselves are generally a fourth of an inch to a half of an inch long, made of hardened steel. Short but sharp, these spikes are perfect for gripping packed snow and ice that might otherwise send you to the E.R.
Adventuring with crampons
Crampons are the spiked-collar version of microspikes. They have a similar rubber harness, but they will likely have additional rigid metal frames with longer spikes. The length ranging from three-fourths of an inch to even an astounding one and a half inches can look pretty intimidating once you have them strapped properly. Personally, I would resist the urge to practice karate kicks.
Choosing microspikes vs crampons
Microspikes are best for light snow, packed snow, and icy hiking trails. Ideal for winter hiking or trail running, these will serve you well on flat or moderate slopes. I love microspikes because they're lighter and less intimidating than crampons. They tend to be easier to put on and pull off, and even better, they're comfortable during long hikes.

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