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Patagonia Cares About Fair Trade

It’s almost impossible to know who makes the clothes we buy and that’s largely a deliberate choice by retailers. Most stores offering low prices understand that if consumers knew the working conditions and pay of the people who made that $9 button-down, people likely wouldn’t buy it. Sadly, even high-end clothing stores have questionable manufacturing practices in developing nations. Patagonia, the famed outdoor clothing and gear retailer, chose to change things by becoming a part of Fair Trade USA.

Patagonia is fairly famous already for providing incredible quality of life for its employees, so it’s hardly a surprise that this concern for healthy, happy lives extends to the people who manufacture their products. The team at the company tasked with ensuring environmental and social responsibility vets the factories Patagonia considers employing, working with Fair Trade USA to ensure the factories adhere to International Fair Trade standards. These standards include stipulations about providing living wages, safe working conditions, and employee empowerment–all rare considerations among most garment producers. Not all their factories are overseas– they have a factory in Los Angeles, which sews and prints their organic cotton t-shirts and is a great example of their commitment to transparency. On their website, they provide detailed information about the factory, including issues they found during an audit and an update on the needed changes now being made.

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Essentially Patagonia pays a premium for every item they offer that is Fair Trade certified. That money goes straight to the workers of the factory and it’s up to the employees to decide how to spend it. According to the company, between 2014 and 2016, the workers who are a part of their Fair Trade initiative have earned an additional $430,000 in wages, which was spent on anything from educational costs to creating a child care program at the factory.

In the years since Patagonia began working with Fair Trade USA, they have steadily expanded the styles offered through the program. In 2014, 10 Fair Trade styles were offered, all of which were made in one factory. A mere two years later, Patagonia offers 192 Fair Trade options across three categories: Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s clothing. These items are made in six different factories and, by 2017, the company hopes to offer 300 styles, expanding their Fair Trade factories to 13. That is a remarkable amount of lives transformed: about 7,000 in fact.

Some of the Fair Trade Certified options include the Patagonia classic Better Sweater Fleece Jacket, which is about $139. Not bad when you consider the opportunities for education and economic advancement in developing nations that your decision to keep yourself warm provides. Their durable, long-lasting and versatile Men’s Cords are also certified and are only $89. You can find the full line of Fair Trade Certified options here.

If you’d like to learn more and meet some of the people who make Patagonia’s clothes who have benefited from consumers choosing Fair Trade products, you can watch Patagonia’s trailer.

Elizabeth Dahl
Elizabeth Dahl is a southern girl in the heart of Los Angeles who lived far too long before learning what an incredible food…
Microspikes vs. crampons: Understanding the right gear for icy trails
Ice, ice, maybe? When to use microspikes vs crampons
microspikes vs crampons inspire toud nnafqaychci unsplash

When winter hiking, one of the most essential pieces of gear will be your footwear. The right hiking boot can carry you comfortably for miles, but there are many cases where normal hiking boot lugs won't give you the traction you need. These cases become even more apparent during the wintertime when you're liable to slip on ice and dislocate your shoulder like one of my unfortunate family members — the nearest hospital was over two hours away. Microspikes and crampons can significantly reduce the risk of hospital visits while out in the winter wonderland, but how do you know which ones to pack? In this guide, we'll discuss microspikes vs crampons and how to stay safe.
Microspikes vs crampons: what's the difference?

Adventuring with microspikes
Microspikes are a flexible, rubber harness that goes over your hiking boot. The rubber is attached to several small chains that go underneath your foot, connecting multiple plates of short spikes to the bottom of your shoe. Think of it like the footwear version of tire chains. The microspikes themselves are generally a fourth of an inch to a half of an inch long, made of hardened steel. Short but sharp, these spikes are perfect for gripping packed snow and ice that might otherwise send you to the E.R.
Adventuring with crampons
Crampons are the spiked-collar version of microspikes. They have a similar rubber harness, but they will likely have additional rigid metal frames with longer spikes. The length ranging from three-fourths of an inch to even an astounding one and a half inches can look pretty intimidating once you have them strapped properly. Personally, I would resist the urge to practice karate kicks.
Choosing microspikes vs crampons
Microspikes are best for light snow, packed snow, and icy hiking trails. Ideal for winter hiking or trail running, these will serve you well on flat or moderate slopes. I love microspikes because they're lighter and less intimidating than crampons. They tend to be easier to put on and pull off, and even better, they're comfortable during long hikes.

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