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What is a semi-private golf course? What you need to know

What is a semi-private golf course? Here's why you should swing away on these kinds of greens

A gorgeous view of an empty golf course.
craig hellier / Unsplash

You aren’t a crazy kind of golfer until you’ve driven by a course and wondered what type it is. Is it an exclusive private club? Is it one open to the public where everyone from college kids to retirees is fighting for the same tee time? What about something in between, like a semi-private golf course? What is a semi-private golf course? It’s where cost meets prestige, allowing lovers of the game to putt on the same green in a way that works for everyone. Here’s why a semi-private golf course should be on your radar for your next round.

The different types of golf courses

Two people playing golf together.
Andrew Anderson / Unsplash

There are a variety of places to swing your irons. Where you normally sink your shot might depend on how often you go, how well you want to know the place, how well you want them to know you, and your financial budget. The main types of golf courses people play on are public courses, private courses, and semi-private courses.

A public course should sort of speak for itself in that it’s a public space like the public park or public library. But to understand what a semi-private golf course is, you should know a little bit about a private course for comparison.

A private golf course

To get the hang of what a semi-private golf course is, we need to know what its counterpart — a private golf course — is. A private golf course is exactly like what you see in the movies. One of those is it’s a perk if you know old so-and-so to get an interview to join kind of places. It is a members-only club where you have to pay an annual fee. It’s exclusive, but the perks that come with the costs are well worth it if you use them properly.

Members are allowed to invite guests to spend the day basking in the amenities. Speaking of those, there is a wider range of facilities in a private club, since it’s usually owned by a small group or individual. The restaurants offer private event options, pro shops are almost guaranteed at a private club, and tee times are all yours.

A semi-private golf course

A golf course with water views.
ping lee / Unsplash

Take a private golf course and scale things back a bit. There will be an overlap between a private and semi-private golf course in certain areas.

The main points of a semi-private course

  • Open to the general public.
  • Offers memberships that come with perks.
  • Members get first dibs on things like tee time and other amenities.
  • More affordable option if a private golf course is out of budget.
  • The grounds might not be taken care of as nicely as at a private club.

Semi-private could still be exclusive

The first thing you might recognize is that a semi-private golf course is technically open to the whole public. But now, these types of clubs could still offer a paid membership. Those folks will get the first say on tee times, priority reservations at club restaurants, and a discount for anything else the club offers.

Membership to a semi-private golf course will be cheaper than a private golf course since it is less exclusive. Even if you don’t opt to be a member, the regular facilities are cheaper than at a private club. You may see a free round offered, specific days or times when the green fee is waived, and no charges to enjoy those golf carts.

What could cause a divot about semi-private courses

This isn’t to say semi-private courses don’t have a little bit of a downside. These clubs don’t have the clout private ones do, so the upkeep isn’t to the same standard. Those impeccable greens at private clubs won’t always be seen at a semi-private club. The other downside is semi-private clubs will be a bit more crowded. They won’t be crawling with as many people as a public course, but you will see a greater rotation of people than on a private course.

Go where your budget lands

It’s honestly about your budget versus how often you’ll test out your favorite driver. If you golf more regularly, a private club offers perks that may appeal to you. If you love to golf but it’s not a must-do three days a week on the same days at the same times, a semi-private course — even a more affordable membership to one — would better suit you.

If battling every single golfer on a beautiful Sunday morning does not sound like your idea of a good time, see if there is a semi-private course close to you. You’ll find additional perks there that public courses don’t offer, and could maybe swing a membership for even more exclusivity when you play a round. The semi-private clubs are a way to bridge the gap between private and public courses to make sure there is a little green for everyone.

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
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An aerial view of a golf course.

Just because we love the game of golf doesn't mean we are any good at playing it ourselves. It is easy to scream at the TV about how bad that flop shot was from the comfort of your couch, even if you have never swung a club. Once you get a bit of practice in, so you don't leave a trail of divots in your wake, you won't be so nervous walking on the green. There's no need to have performance anxiety when playing on one of the best golf courses for beginners, so see which one you want to take a swing at.
Take a swing in Scottsdale

There's something in the water in Arizona. There's at least something in the grass, as Scottsdale, Arizona, has multiple courses for the beginner and beyond. See if you could hit all of these courses to bring your game up to par.
The Talking Stick Golf Club
The Talking Stick Golf Club has two gorgeous courses to pick from, both designed by Ben Crenshaw and Bill Coore. For those who want a straightforward game without a lot of hassle, the Piipaash Course is the kind of smooth sailing that doesn't require a lot of experience. If you want to test your aim on a more challenging green, the O'odham Course offers stunning architecture along difficult holes.
The Blue Course at Wigwam Resort
If you want easier terrain, the Blue Course at the Wigwam Resort will tee up 18 holes of beauty for your eyes to feast on. Known as The Patriot Course, when players took their first swings there in 1965, golfers at any level will appreciate the 6,000 yards of play in the white sandy desert and fairways lined with trees.
The We-Ko-Pa Saguaro Course
If you want true mountain views with your putt, the We-Ko-Pa Saguaro Course, located in the Sonoran Desert, won't disappoint. Another Ben Crenshaw and Bill Coore partnership in 2006, the course uses the full range of the landscape to get the most out of your 18-hole round.
The best golf courses for beginners elsewhere in the U.S.

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