Most gear in the overlanding and car camping space tends to value function over flash. But Snow Peak has long been a proponent of balancing both with outdoor gear that not only works well but looks great, too. To wit: Its all-new GigaPower Tabletop Lantern.
Snow Peak has long been a favorite among minimalist campers (ourselves included) who value sleek, handsome design that’s everything you need and nothing you don’t. This all-new camping lantern is the next iteration of the heritage Japanese brand’s popular GigaPower Lantern Auto. But this version ditches traditional camp gas (and the flames and smoke), instead pairing it with a sleek battery bank that seamlessly blends into the lantern’s silhouette. Snow Peak collaborated with Anker on a durable battery design that uses lithium-ion phosphate, which is not only safer than standard lithium-ion batteries but lasts up to four times longer. It’s a clever change-up, especially considering that many overlanders are packing solar panels these days, which could provide nearly indefinite on-the-go lighting in the backcountry.
The GigaPower Tabletop Lantern’s thin, cylindrical bulb is reminiscent of classic camping lanterns but with a sleeker, more modern feel. The integrated 135-lumen LEDs provide 360-degree illumination and can be tuned to bright white, soft orange, or any of an array of colors and brightnesses using the adjustment knob. Gradient color modes emulate sunrise and sunset for a more natural look than most portable electric camp lights.
The Snow Peak GigaPower Tabletop Lantern is available now for $109.95, including the lantern itself and a protective hard case. The companion GigaPower Battery is sold separately, however.