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PSA: Don’t Be Annoying on an Airplane

What is it about an airplane that draws out the most annoying traits in a person? Is it being shoved in a small space in seats that barely recline? Being made to starve while smelling someone’s McDonalds french fries? Retaliation for having just had some stranger peruse your personal items while wearing blue, rubber gloves and then stealing your SPF? Probably all of these things and the $15 ham sandwich you just bought, but the point is that while we’re all stressed out in that sardine can in the sky, there are a few things you can do about it. So, yes, we’re about to put the “plane” into complain, but we’re also going to offer you some easy solutions to help you cope, and make it you don’t end up becoming any of these annoying passengers.

1—The Cougher
Had you not noticed that everyone on your flight had bronchitis, or did the chorus of hacking and throat clearing start as soon as the cabin door closed? Answer: It’s as if airlines are secretly piping pollen into the fuselage of their flights or yes, every passenger on your plane has throat issues. Does it matter? Even if this person isn’t sitting directly behind you blowing their germs into the back of your head, it’s still coming at you though the stale, recycled cabin air. We’ve all had to travel with a cold, but that doesn’t give you free reign to be disgusting.

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Solution: Always fly with cough lozenges. If that person is sitting near you, you can help. If that person is sitting far from you, you can help the flight attendant to help you. If that person is you, then everyone else will thank you. Also, bring tissues, hand sanitizer and avoid sugar in your tea or as a soda, it makes you cough more. If you’re a sneezing mess? Figure out your pill situation and put yourself to sleep. Thank-you!

2—The Lazy Leaver
Mysteries of the universe: Why is there usually just one door used to disembark an airplane of hundreds of people? That’s always annoying, especially if you’re in the back of the plane, but it’s confounded by those annoying passengers who leisurely retrieve their luggage from the overhead, oblivious to the line of evil stares coming from the people waiting behind.

Solution: Try and leave the handle for your bag facing the aisle so you can pull it down with ease. Some, like this great Victorianox, even come with underside handles. When the people five rows in front of you have started filing out, you should already be finished gathering the things you need in your seat. When it’s you versus two more rows of people, have a plan of attack for getting your bag down from up above.

3—Smelly Food
Most of us have never been terrified by a 4 ounce grooming product on board a plane, even when they’ve slipped past security (3.4 ounces is the maximum), so why does the FAA/TSA/Airlines allow people bring food that stinks?

Solution: Eggs make the airplane smell like farts, or really, just reinforces the already gassy air and onions make it smell like you’ve never heard of deodorant. But really, hot food is the culprit, so pack a cold sandwich, leave out the funky stuff and never, under any circumstances, take Kimchi. Also, consider this insulated bag to keep your food in, so it doesn’t smell while you wait to eat.

4—Mr. Takes His Time
You found your seat? Good for you! Now sit. It’s always surprising how many people will stand in the aisle next to their seat while the plane is half boarded, rummaging through their bag before they put it in the overhead, folding their jacket, looking at their Facebook.

Solution: Seriously people, get it together. Figure this stuff out while you’re waiting for the plane to board. Get your toys, gadgets, books, food, what-have-you prepared before you get in line to board. Wearing this vest really helps, and it cuts down on the space in your carry on. Also, wake up! Sit down.

5—The Seat Banger
You know of whom we speak. The ignorant fool who finds the need to repeatedly slam the food tray attached to the back of your seat. When that’s not happening, they’re incessantly pushing as hard as they can into the touch screen just a few inches behind your head. Thanks airlines for giving this tool a video game. Right. There. But the cherry on top of this annoying-person-pie is when they grab on to the back of your seat to hoist themselves up on their way to use the bathroom. Once or twice, and this is okay—it’s a design flaw we’ve got to deal with, but if it’s non-stop, you’re dealing with one of the worst annoying passengers possible: an overgrown child…or an actual child.

Solution: Put on your most polite face and let the person or person’s parent know that they are pushing you. They might actually not realize it. If they argue with you, there’s no shame in asking the flight attendant to step in. There might even be an empty seat somewhere else on the plane with your name on it.

Any we miss? Tell us.

Amanda DePerro
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Amanda DePerro is a Midwest-based freelance writer and journalist who loves video games, gardening, and true crime. She is a…
Don’t pack these 9 TSA-prohibited items in your checked baggage
Some of the items may surprise you
Baggage Inspection

As travelers, we are accustomed to meticulously planning what we can and cannot bring in our carry-on luggage, ensuring compliance with airline regulations and security protocols. However, amidst the focus on carry-on restrictions, it’s easy to overlook the limitations imposed on checked baggage. Surprisingly, there is a long list of TSA prohibited items that are strictly banned from being stowed away in the checked compartment of a plane. So, before you zip up your suitcase and bid farewell to your checked bag, let’s explore what items must remain out of sight during your journey. 

What can you take on a plane? TSA prohibited items
When it comes to packing for a flight, we are often well-versed in the restrictions placed on carry-on items, particularly the infamous 3-1-1 liquid rule. Yet, as we organize our carry-ons, it is crucial not to ignore the contents of our checked baggage. While it may seem like a convenient place to store bulkier or less essential items, several objects should never be put in your checked baggage. From flammable materials to certain liquids to popular foods, the restrictions are broad and varied. These are just a few of TSA prohibited items to consider before packing your suitcase.
1. Wrapped presents
Wrapped presents always run the risk of being flagged by security. These wrapped gifts can trigger suspicion or require additional screening, leading to delays and potential damage to your wrapped items. Additionally, if security officials cannot identify the contents of a wrapped gift, they may need to unwrap it entirely.
2. An abundance of cash
Packing an abundance of cash in your checked baggage is ill-advised for several reasons, particularly concerning security and potential legal complications. While no specific TSA regulations limit the amount of cash you can carry domestically, travelers entering the U.S. must declare amounts exceeding $10,000 to customs officials. However, regardless of the amount, carrying a significant sum of cash can attract attention from TSA agents, who have the authority to question you about the source and purpose of the money.

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Travel to these 5 countries is more difficult because they don’t have an airport
Spoiler alert: They're all in Europe
A shot of an outside airport with the sun shining in the background

Unless you count hot air balloons and hang gliders, there's really only one way to fly from one country to another — an airplane. And to travel successfully to your destination via airplane, that plane will need an airport to land. Air travel has become such an integral part of our lives that it's difficult to imagine an entire country without at least one airport for foreign travelers to fly into. But believe it or not, there are actually five such places in Europe that lack this modern convenience. Nestled amidst stunning landscapes and historic cityscapes, travel to these destinations often requires a multi-leg journey. While it's not necessarily hard to get to these European countries, flying directly there is out of the question.

1. Andorra
A country no bigger than the average city, Andorra faces a unique challenge due to its mountainous terrain. Situated between Spain and France and encircled by the Pyrenees mountains, the country's high peaks, reaching almost 10,000 feet, make it quite inhospitable for air travel, especially in adverse weather conditions. In short, building an airport, let alone trying to land a plane among the mountaintops, would be incredibly difficult. 

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Want cheap airline tickets? Research says travel hacks don’t really work
Finding cheap airfare is more mystifying than the day you book on
cheap airline tickets hacks dont work study airlineticketprices

Browsing in an incognito window, buying on a Tuesday, and using a VPN to change your location are all commonly described as ways to find cheap airline tickets. These air travel hacks have been accepted as fact by many people, but how much of a difference do these factors make when it comes time to book a flight? As it turns out, not at all.

A recent study from The Quarterly Journal of Economics titled “Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline” determined that finding cheap airfare is not influenced by variables such as the time of day, browser history, or the location of the buyer. In fact, the price of flights is more random than you may think.
Flight hacks: debunked
In the study, researchers took a look at how airlines determine ticket prices. As it turns out, finding cheap airline tickets is more about good luck than anything else. Airlines do not take into consideration factors such as consumer substitution (choosing a cheaper, less convenient flight at a lower price) or the prices of competitors.

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