Have you ever had that plugged-up feeling in your ears? You know, when it happens mid-flight, during allergy season or after a nasty cold? That uncomfortable pressure can make sounds feel muffled and even throw off your balance.
I had one particularly awful flight where my ears wouldn’t pop for hours after landing. I didn’t realize how muffled my voice was until I caught myself yelling at the airline staff. It was rough, but it forced me to figure out the best ways to relieve ear pressure, and more importantly, how to prevent it from coming back.
So, what actually causes clogged ears? And how can you get relief fast? Let’s break down why ear pressure builds up and how to pop your ears safely — plus tips to prevent it from happening again.
Here’s why your ears get clogged
Your ears rely on the Eustachian tubes, which are small passageways that connect your middle ear to the back of your throat, to regulate pressure. When these tubes don’t open properly, the pressure inside your ears becomes imbalanced. According to Laura J. Orvidas, M.D., this can cause a sensation of fullness or pressure in your ears, along with symptoms like ear pain, dizziness, and muffled hearing.
Everyday situations that can cause ear pressure (it’s not just flying)
There are many daily life situations that can cause that clogged, pressurized feeling in your ears. Altitude changes are a common culprit — whether you’re flying, hiking at high elevations, or driving through the mountains, changes in air pressure can mess with your ears’ ability to adjust.
Beyond altitude-related causes, sinus congestion from colds or allergies can block the Eustachian tubes and trap pressure in the ears. Ear infections often contribute as well, with inflammation and fluid buildup making you feel like your ears are full. Sometimes it’s excess earwax that’s the culprit, because wax can form a blockage that stops your ears from adjusting to pressure. Even loud environments like concerts or sudden noise can affect the middle ear and cause discomfort.
How to pop your ears safely
Try these methods the next time you’re looking to pop your ears.
1. Swallowing
Swallowing activates muscles that open the Eustachian tubes, which helps equalize pressure. Sip water, suck on candy, or chew some gum.
2. Yawning
Yawning stretches the Eustachian tubes, naturally releasing pressure. If a real yawn won’t come, fake it.
3. The Valsalva maneuver
Pinch your nose, close your mouth, and gently blow as if you’re trying to clear your sinuses. Be cautious though, because blowing too hard can damage your eardrums.
4. The Toynbee maneuver
Pinch your nose and swallow at the same time. This technique creates a pressure difference that can help open your ears.
5. The Frenzel maneuver
Pinch your nose, close your throat as if you were about to say “K,” and push air into your ears. This method is popular among scuba divers.
6. Using steam or a warm compress
Steam from a hot shower or a bowl of hot water can loosen mucus, making it easier for your ears to pop.
7. Nasal decongestants or antihistamines
If allergies or a cold are causing ear blockage, an over-the-counter nasal decongestant or antihistamine can reduce inflammation and open the Eustachian tubes.
8. Jaw exercises
Moving your jaw side to side or in a chewing motion can help relieve ear pressure.
9. Ear drops
If earwax buildup is the issue, over-the-counter ear drops or warm olive oil can help soften the wax so it clears naturally. Skip the cotton swabs, though! Dr. Joshua Zeiger, an otolaryngologist at the Mount Sinai Health System, warns against using cotton swabs to clean your ears, as they can push wax deeper and even damage the ear canal.
Long-term solutions for chronic ear blockage
For those who frequently experience clogged ears, consider these long-term strategies.
- Stay hydrated to prevent mucus from thickening and blocking your Eustachian tubes.
- Use a humidifier to keep nasal passages from drying out, especially in winter.
- Treat allergies promptly with antihistamines or allergy shots to reduce inflammation.
- Use saline nasal sprays to flush out irritants and keep your sinuses clear.
- Consider professional earwax removal if buildup is a recurring issue.
How to prevent your ears from getting clogged again
Here are some tips that may help prevent your ears from clogging up again.
- When flying, chew gum or suck on candy to keep your Eustachian tubes open.
- Use the Valsalva or Toynbee maneuver during takeoff and landing.
- Keep your ears dry after swimming to prevent infections that can cause blockages.
- Avoid inserting cotton swabs into your ears, as they can worsen blockages.