How do you plan for a backpacking trip in Yosemite when you have no gear? Simply rent what you need from CampCrate and ship it back when you're done. Founders Chad Lawver and Mason Gravley want to make it as easy as possible for beginners to go backpacking.
Colin O’Brady is attempting an impossible first: trying to be the first person ever to walk 1000 miles across Antarctica alone with no help and no food caches. British Army Captain Louis Rudd is trying to do the same thing. In a bar in Chile, they agreed to race.
Suits are tough to hike in and fast-drying nylon hiking pants don’t usually fly at the office. So what do you wear to be ready for a day of work, adventure, and a dinner out?
Early sunsets and cooler weather are no excuse to skip training this winter. It’s the perfect chance to work on fitness basics and get a leg up on everyone in the spring league. We’ve pulled together some essentials for training outside long after the good weather’s gone.
Beer and the outdoors go together well. To celebrate the launch of its fall line of Small Batch Bean Boots, outdoor gear-maker L.L. Bean teamed up with five Maine craft breweries to make a limited run of outdoor-inspired craft brews that complement the autumn collection.
El Capitan is a 3200-foot-tall wall of sheer granite in Yosemite National Park. Professional climber Alex Honnold climbed the Freerider route in June of 2017 in 3 hours 56 minutes while being filmed. Oh, and he climbed it with no ropes.
Cleaning up the outdoor gear industry has become a popular mission these days. Outside the industry though, companies have been slow to change practices. Denim is especially rough on the environment. Levi's Wellthread and Outerknown are changing that.
There’s nothing worse than getting stoked for a trip and pulling out rotten tents, sleeping bags, or hiking boots. Here's how to clean and store camping gear.
Hobie has been making surfboards and catamaran sailboats since the '50s. The company has built an entire lifestyle around playing on the water, continually re-inventing ways to do it. Here are five recent changes to the Hobie lineup of boats and boards.
Everything is going electric these days. Cars, motorcycles, even luxury yachts are making the switch to the cleaner energy. These outdoor transportation (toys?) are starting to make the switch too.
Toms has teamed up with climbing gear company So iLL and non-profit 1Climb. Now through September 10, 2018, you can pre-order the Collaboration Street climbing shoe or Alpargata lifestyle shoe via IndieGogo. Proceeds will go to 1Climb and its goal of helping 100,000 kids try climbing for the first time
Is your everyday carry ready to go off-road? When you get a last-minute invite for an adventure, can you hit the trail with what you’ve got in your pack? If your gear is anything like these outdoorsy essentials, you'll be ready for almost anything.
From the Arkiv System for backpacks that debuted in 2012 to sleek new camera carriers and hydration packs for 2018, Mission has been quite busy in its workshop. Here's a look at the best gear that Mission Workshop has to offer right now.
Most adventures don’t require heavy, hot hiking boots. A lightweight hiking shoe or trail runner can get you to the summit and keep you comfortable at the same time. We've found the best hiking shoes for men, perfect for running, trekking, and everything in between.
People can spend a lifetime hiking the highest mountain peaks in the U.S. Colin O’Brady wants to complete the 50 highest peaks in the United States in just 30 days — and you can help.
Every year, 8 million tons of plastic enter the sea. Plastic is embedded in our lifestyles, but we can do plenty to help use less and recycle what we’ve got. These eco-friendly brands are working hard to save our oceans.
Road trips are the best way to see a new place and get in some epic adventures. But how do you bring all your food, friends, and camp gear and still have space for the toys? We’ve put together a list of some of the best packable outdoor gear for saving space and having fun.
Adventure racing is one of the hardest sports on the planet. You have to paddle, run and ride hundreds of miles through unknown terrain trying to find your way with a map and compass. And it doesn’t just last for one day. We've rounded up some of the best gear that can last through these punishing races.
A full-size adventure, survival, and safety tool built for durability, the Combar has been engineered to pound metal tent stakes, chop trees, and dig fire pits with ease — and it's available for pre-order on Kickstarter right now.
Cotopaxi, the mission-driven maker of bright and innovative outdoor gear and outerwear has jumped into the men's activewear clothing game with their 2018 Men's Activewear Collection. Do good and go fast at the same time with these new (and colorful) high performance pieces.
GPS, flashlights, and radios are heavy on a hike, but you may wish you had them if you get lost. Enter the Fogo which a single gadget that packs all these devices into one, saving weight and space in your pack.
By 2050, we may need to feed almost 10 billion people. Crickets, a sustainable superfood, might be the solution to our hunger. These tasty, high-protein bars can help you start saving the world now.
Two-hundred times stronger than steel, more conductive than copper, and lighter than carbon fiber, graphene is making waves in almost every industry. We take a closer look at the material and its use in top-notch outdoor gear.
The new 2018 products weren’t the only ones catching eyes at Surf Expo in Orlando this January. Some of the best gear came out in 2017 or earlier. Regardless of when they launched, these were our favorite products at Surf Expo 2018.
Surf Expo 2018 showcased over 2,500 booths packed with the latest in surf, skate, stand-up paddle board, and beach gear. Here’s a few of the coolest new brand and products we loved.
Six billion gallons of beer are brewed annually in the U.S. and 36 billion pounds of grain are left over from the process. The folks at ReGrained are taking that beer waste and turning it into delicious snacks.
Most avalanche airbags aren't allowed on planes, but new technology from Arc'teryx and Black Diamond is changing that. Here are options you can easily fly with.
Slipstream, a new Canadian company out of Vancouver, British Columbia, is aiming to become the Netflix of outdoor adventure films at just $5 per month.